10 Apr

Living in Interesting Times

  There is an old Chinese curse: “May you live in interesting times”.  Well, it looks like we’re here, and, regardless of all the various and contradictory theories, the bottom line of what each of us can do is to keep a healthy immune system, stay out of fear and stress, and stay in our Loving for it all,  Living here in Santa Barbara, things have been closed down for awhile.  However, in seeing the closed businesses and empty streets, my mind goes to imaging what it could look like if we shifted out of this everyone-for-themselves (E-F-T) paradigm with money as the medium of exchange into creating a world that works for everyone with cooperation as the exchange medium.  In a cooperative world we could eliminate 85% of the current jobs because those jobs only exist because of our E-F-T culture.  Along with that, for many things that we do need, automation and AI can produce a lot of what we need with little effort.  Even in our current wasteful paradigm, the inevitable automation is slated to replace 45% of current jobs — hashtag: humans need not apply. 

While politicians keep saying that we need to create more jobs, that’s only true within our broken E-F-T system that is using up the planet’s resources so quickly that this current pandemic crisis pales in comparison to that reality.  The current thinking for governments, corporations and mainstream media is economy first and the environment a distant second.  With the current economic, political, and social systems broken beyond repair, what continues to be needed is for people to see that there is an alternative model that not only can show how life can be much more abundant on all levels — healthier, happier, and with more access  to almost anything one would want to do — but could also transform the planet to create a world that works for everyone.  Our partners at One Community have the design piece now almost completed, and Community Planet accompanies that with the consciousness, decision-making, and organization components.  When we get that first large scale Community going, people all over the world will be able to see how there is a better way of living, with more free time for both self actualization and working to restore the planet, and the replication of that model will lead to a New Age.  

 Meanwhile, keep spreading the vision to others and checking out One Community’s progress.  Also, at some point Community Planet would Love to do a train the trainer Consensus training so that we can spread this consciousness of the Highest Good For All.  We’ll keep you posted.

28 Dec

Healthcare in Communities

   Community Planet has a saying: “The solution for everything is the solution to anything.”  We can show that whatever the challenge is, the Community model that we propose can address whatever the issue is.  As an example, the Democratic candidates have had a few debates about healthcare.  However, the scope of what they argued about just concerned how to cover costs of insuring everyone.  However, as most of us know, everything is interconnected, so, to focus just on insurance to address healthcare is very shortsighted.  To really reduce costs, we need to focus on wellness and what is causing costs.

     As just one example, today, nationwide, seven in ten U.S. adults are overweight or obese and two in five obese.  In 2018, obesity cost the U.S. economy $1.72 trillion dollars and had driven up health care costs by 29% due to heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer that are some of the leading causes of preventable, premature death.  Another issue is the use of glyphosate by Big AG on our produce.  Along with mercury and aluminum in vaccines (suggestion: if you choose to vaccinate, first insist on their disclosing all the ingredients), these metals and the glyphosate have been driving the incidence of autism from one in several thousand towards a projected one in three in the next decade. (As a suggestion, stop consuming anything with wheat in it unless it’s organic, as most all non-organic wheat products have glyphosate.) 

   And, while obesity and illnesses due to glyphosate consumption are just two of many preventable healthcare issues, none of the candidates offered real interconnected solutions, which would involve a much-needed health awareness revolution.  With 3.5 trillion/yr. now being spent on chronic diseases, we don’t have a healthcare system, we have a sick care system.

We can do far better in the Community healthcare that we describe in chapter 4 of The Next Evolution.  There we describe healthcare under the “How do we nourish ourselves” and How do we vitalize ourselves” subchapters.  In our Community model, the healthcare is free, and, because the current everyone-for-themselves model is so inefficient, we can eliminate 85% of the jobs with our Highest Good For All economic system.  That frees up time for more exercise, more nurturing play and creativity time, less stress, and more education when it comes to truly taking care of ourselves.  That’s preventative healthcare, and that’s what we need.

    Right now, it’s hard for most people to get nourishing foods.  Because our soils have been depleted and poisoned by toxic pesticides, we not only need all organic growing but also regenerative ag where we bring the soil back to life so the foods can be nutritious again.  None of the candidates talked about that and the devastating effect that has had on illness and driving up costs.  Yet, in our Community model, we can grow the most nutritious food—and it’s all free for the residents because we share the ownership of the Community.

  Also, as well as focusing on preventative healthcare, our centers will provide more than just traditional western medicine.  For instance, there have been cures for many illnesses, including cancer, for many decades.  But, with Big Pharma in control, these have been suppressed, and we can have access to those treatments.  Community healthcare practitioners will also offer education and support so that all our community residents can be as healthy—physically, mentally, and emotionally—as possible.  In our model with our Hub support system (described in chapter 4), it would be virtually impossible for anyone’s mental health issues to exist without immediate recognition and treatment. For more details on how the Community would address healthcare see this excerpt from The Next Evolution. (click here)

One of the practitioners we love is Zach Bush, MD because he understands the links between wellness and the environment. In this inspiring podcast (click here), Zach (whose research findings are discussed in an earlier blog “Cutting Edge Research Shows: Human Health is about Connection, Communication and Community” (click here ) elaborates on the relationship between our exacerbating health issues, the enormous and unsustainable cost of our current system, the toxicity in our environment, and current unproductive farming methods. Zach then elucidates how we can effect change in all of these through a focus on “regeneration” in farming methods and on the consciousness we hold to create this transformation.

25 Jul

We Live in Interesting Times

While seemingly a blessing, the saying, “May you live in interesting times” is ironically meant to be a curse with the implication that ”uninteresting times” are times of peace and tranquility.  Clearly we have been living in interesting times with the divisions and conflicts, between and within  many countries and many people, continuing to boil.  Throughout the ages it seems that the few people in power have been able to manipulate the people.

Right now just the wealthiest 6 men have as much wealth as the poorest half of the world’s people—that’s three hundred sixty thousand million people vs 6!!!  While the poorest half of the world continue to lose wealth, the very richest—especially the top thousand or so—continue to add billions to their massive fortunes.  In fact, a 500-seat auditorium would hold as much wealth as 70 percent of the world’s population.

As we at Community Planet say, “The existing everyone-everyone-for-themselves paradigm is broken beyond repair”.  We need to create a world that works for everyone and for all life on the planet—and, with our model and that of our partners at One Community, this would be so easy to do and could be done within a generation.  Simultaneously we could also restore the planet.

Regarding conflict, there’s an old tune from the 60’s: “Two little kings, playing at games, they threw a war and nobody came…”.  When we create those Communities where every resident is living a healthier, happier, and more abundant life on all levels, those elites who want to continue to play the power/domination games, will find it hard to find human pawns to carry out their will.  They may even eventually surrender to the reality that their lives will be more rewarding and more fun living with the people in Communities. 

22 Sep

One Community Housing

Last week our partners at One Community sent out an amazing overview of the housing part of their Community planning. It’s so well done, and so exciting that we would highly recommend you take a few minutes and look (see below).

The square mile design is actually based topographically on the land they would like to purchase. Please check it out—it’s spectacular, right down to the sound of the pages turning.

Then, if you feel inspired, click here for the various ways anyone can help One Community create global change that will positively impact every person and living creature on our planet:

As an open source organization creating and demonstrating globally accessible and usable resources, anyone can help One Community just by using the internet

29 Jul

Cutting Edge Research Shows: Human Health is about Connection, Communication and Community

To date, our blogs have not focused on health information, but recently our consensus training co-creator, Dr. Connie Stomper, encouraged me to listen to some podcasts with triple board certified Dr. Zach Bush. The fascinating research from his Biomic Science group shows that at the cellular level, health is reflected in many of the same precepts on which the Community Planet vision is based. Just as Community Planet focuses on consciousness and connection for the Highest Good Of All, it turns out that the same thing is happening within our bodies, where alienation and separation between our cells and the micro biome produces dis-ease and imbalance.

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23 Jun


     The refugee crisis has been dominating our news lately. While the focus of the news has been on our inhumane treatment of those desperate people trying to escape the violence in their Central American countries, very little attention has been given to addressing the cause of why these people have been fleeing for their lives and what we can do about that.  At the same time some friends of mine have been debating the virtues and.or shortcomings of capitalism. I think these immigration and government/economic issues are tied together. American corporations supported by our capitalistic government have devastated Central American countries. In our School of the Americas in Fort Benning, Georgia, we even trained their military leaders on how to suppress their civilian populations though torture, rape and assassinations. Tens of thousands, including labor leaders, priests, and nuns have been killed. I guess that’s one way to reduce poverty — just erase those people.

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14 Nov

Consciousness is the Key

Consciousness is the Key

Sometimes we hear from people that Community Planet has an unrealistic utopian view of creating Communities that could serve as a model for transforming the planet. They say that utopian societies have been tried and have not worked.  Because we all form ideas in our minds of what others are presenting, it’s difficult to go further in the conversation unless the other party truly knows what our vision is. We’ve heard from many people over the years who have read our book and/or grasped the vision from our website and completely resonate with it because it is the common sense solution that people would arrive at to create a world that works for everyone.

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15 May

What is the Key to Sustainability?


More and more people, companies, and cities are now using the words “sustainable” and “sustainability” to describe courses of action they wish to take.  Much of the conversation involves renewable energy, preserving resources,  and other environmental practices.  A google search yields commonly agreed upon pillars of sustainability that are environmental, social and economic:

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11 Jul

A Consciousness of Sustainability


In our personal lives, crisis can give rise to the opportunity to expand spiritually in order to make meaning of experiences and garner the strength and wisdom to meet the challenge. In the similar way, the current crisis on the planet of such extra-ordinary proportions as global warming and environment toxicity can lead to disasters of monumental proportion if we don’t go to a higher level of consciousness to solve them. Like Einstein once said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”   Continue Reading


30 Dec

Wake Up! Wake Up!


So many Americans are struggling to survive in the current money system. What most don’t realize is that it is not their own personal finances that need changing, but the economic system itself. In Running on Empty, Peter Peterson, former Secretary of Commerce and Chair of the Federal Reserve Bank, wrote that “America may well be headed for a financial meltdown. In Jan. 2004 … the IMF took direct aim at the U.S., warning the world that we are careening toward insolvency. They point to a huge and growing imbalance between what the federal government has promised to pay in future benefits and what it can reasonably expect to collect in future taxes. Its long-term deficit now exceeds 500% of GNP. Closing that gap, the IMF calculated, ‘would require an immediate and permanent 60% hike in the federal income tax or a 50% cut in Social Security and Medicare benefits.’” In his assessment, Paul Volcker, former chair of the Federal Reserve, warned that the U.S. faces a 75% chance of a crisis by 2009. Continue reading

30 Dec



Until we start applying some logic into ecological to resolve the world’s interconnected crises, we’ll never be able to remove the stain in sustainable. That stain is the legacy of the everyone-for-themselves system that has been in place unquestioned for thousands of years and is at the core of the environmental dilemma. Continue reading

30 Dec

Regarding Againstness


“The time has come to break out of past patterns. Attempts to maintain social and ecological stability through old approaches to development and environmental protection will increase instability.  Security must be sought through change.  This Commission has noted a number of actions that must be taken to reduce risks to survival and to put future development on paths that are sustainable.  Yet we are aware that such a reorientation on a continuing basis is simply beyond the reach of present decision-making structures and institutional arrangements, both national and international.”1
—World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) Continue reading