30 Dec

Something More Than Changing Light Bulbs


We are in the midst of a major environmental crisis, and the current solutions presented by the media are not enough to change the tides.  While it’s great that people and businesses are thinking and acting more “green”, small changes alone will not be enough to bail ourselves out.
Here are the steps that we need to take:
•  We need immediate and total transformation of the current system.   The majority of the problems that we are facing today are a result of our everyone-for-themselves (EFT) systems—especially free-market capitalism.
•  We need to establish a new and better system, Communities that are based on The Highest Good For All which will create abundance on all levels for all, including Nature.
•  Building one cluster of six 500 person Communities to demonstrate The Highest Good model is what is needed to start the positive transformation of the planet.  As people see how easily this can be done, this will create a catalyst for the rest of the planet to follow, and will require far fewer resources than trying to get the EFT paradigm to act quickly to save our planet.
Will you join us in creating the Communities that will start the process towards healing our planet?